Saturday, December 17, 2011

Venice is a cunundrum.  It can be beautiful and elegant, gritty and rustic, stinking hot and deliciously cold. But whatever your initial impression, allow this amazing city time to sink in and creep under your skin.  I guarantee you will fall in love with its myriad of alleys, canals, cafes, art galleries and shops, and without a doubt, the people who call it home.

It truly would be a shame for a visitor to simply come, do the compulsory whirlwind visit and tick off the usual sites.

I love the simplicity of sitting in a piazza, somewhere in the university district, just watching people come and go.  Enjoying the challenge of the markets early in the morning and the smells of all the wonderful produce.  Or even just getting lost around the streets on the edges of the city and its lagoon.

Not everyone gets the privilege of time; but if one does then honestly, find yourself a little apartment or casa somewhere and stay for a week.  Cook for yourself and therefore, shop in the markets each day.  Find a great little wine bar or osteria; and certainly a great little pastry shop and make sure you swing by each day.

The islands that make up Venice and its lagoon are full of incredible history and all have something different to offer.

A visit to Venice is something not to be missed and should be on everyone's bucket list.

It was on mine I have a permanent 'come again' addendum to my bucket list.

Sunday, September 18, 2011

Golden Florence

I first travelled to Florence thirteen years ago.  Since then, I have re-visited multiple times and each time, I find something new and enticing.  Perhaps the continued love affair with Florence reflects my maturing as a traveller - I no longer look for or do the tourist thing.  Instead, I take pleasure in the long conversation; the meandering wander through the laneways and cobblestone streets; the simple delights of fresh produce; and just sitting and watching the world walk by.

This trip, my most recent, I truly came to understand what is meant by the Tuscan sun and its colours.  The way it wakes the city up and kisses it goodnight - it truly is beautiful.  And there is something serene and magnificent is the way it casts a spell over everything.  Even the busy city traffic seems different in the glow.

Florence is certainly a place to contemplate.  I find it tragic that some visitors, well tourists in truth, speed through in order to merely tick the boxes beside the key sights.  I love wandering, getting lost, sitting sore footed in an o'steria with a glass of red or a coffee, and trying out my dismal Italian skills.  I appreciate the way Florentines respond to my feeble language skills and seek to engage despite that.  They are wonderful people who love their city and are incredibly proud of its long history.  And lets face it, there is history on every corner.  Apart from the myriad of wonderful churches and cathedrals with their magnificent art works; there are so many galleries and museums to wile away the hours in.  

Just taking a stroll down the various streets, one can learn so much.  The Florentines have done a pretty good job of historical signage so you can easily discover history without too much effort.

Shopping - well, that too is mighty fine and for a shoe fanatic such as me, you can't go past the Italians for shoes.  The Florentines have an amazing fashion sense and I admire the fact that people appear to dress with individuality and just for themselves.  Body image and self-esteem issues appear to be absent in Florence.

So my advice.....take the time to fall in love in and with Florence.  You won't regret it and it will be a life long love affair.

Sunday, May 29, 2011

So when did my life journey really begin?  I have wondered on that many a time.  I could be tedious and go right back to my earliest memories of my life and the circumstances that helped shape me, but I won’t.  Primarily because the people, events and influences that contributed are like the seeds in a sunflower; far to numerous such that I am not sure that it would be helpful in explaining my yellow brick road!

Instead, I will begin at a time when I genuinely remember thinking I wanted something different; wanted to be different; wanted to go through life differently. I was about 13; I felt completely alien in my family and in the world around me.  I had none of the talents of my siblings; I was not athletic, nor artistic, nor was I gorgeous like my beautiful sisters.  Instead I was the odd one out, short by comparison, bowed legged, and a shadow that merely followed around behind my big brother! I remember one afternoon after school following some typical childhood bullying incident, being in tears and feeding the chooks for Mum, deciding that there was only one thing for it….I would do life differently somehow.  I didn’t quite know how or what exactly it might look like; but I do remember asking the universe to send me an angel to guide me and help me find that something unique.

Then while on summer holiday at the beach that same year, along came this cute, suntanned, beach kid with gorgeous brown eyes and a cheeky smile.  That chance meeting changed my life and set me on a journey that has continued, 30 years on, to be a wonderful and sometimes scary, surprise to me.  None of it has been what I had expected or even planned for.  Some might say I have just bumbled along from one thing to the next without any direction, but heck, I have had fun doing it.  I have so far had some amazing experiences; seen some breathtaking places, tasted a variety of wonderful foods from around the world, listened to the voices and music of countless peoples, and surrendered to cultures far and wide.

And I hope I am only part way along my road to Oz!

Saturday, May 7, 2011

Sunset Sail

There is something truly rewarding seeing the face of someone you share life with just shine with an almost childish delight.  The reward comes from knowing that they are chasing their dream and that you have supported them to grasp it.  It also comes with a degree of selfish pleasure because you are not only along for the journey but are also reveling in the delight of it too.

That is how I found myself recently at the helm of a 41 foot Beneteau, demonstrating what I hoped was a satisfactory level of skill sufficient to be deemed competent to hold a Day Skipper certification.  As terrified as I was being in charge of this vessel in Force 6 winds off the coast of Western Australia, fearing for my life and concerned that boats should not heel like that surely, it was worth it all just to see my partner’s sheer delight at being out there on the water working the ropes.

For the twenty something years I have spent my life with him, sailing has been an ever present shadow, following him around and nagging for attention, whether living and working in the central Australian desert, or in the old world that is London.   His dream is to one day step on deck, hoist the sail, and head off on a bearing that will take him towards the sun wherever that may be.

I have happily partnered him in that dreaming; never really believing it could happen.  Until, that is, more recently when the dollars in the back pocket have been comfortable and the time has felt right.  So I had to ‘bite the bullet’ and step up to the challenge.  One thing I knew for sure was that if I was going to sail off with him, I sure as heck needed to know how to sail myself.  

So that is how I ended up with a grin a mile wide holding my Day Skipper certification and sharing a glass of a great Western Australian red with my partner who was just itching to find a boat and ‘get going’.  His excitement is catching…infectious, but a genuinely wonderful thing to be around!

Sunday, April 24, 2011

Butterfly Hour

Why 'butterfly hour"?  Stick with me...its a long story but such a wonderful journey.